All American ID Cards to Bear Your Religious Brand

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

image for All American ID Cards to Bear Your Religious Brand
Who You Are Is Your Religion, Nothing Else

American driver’s licenses and other ID will be returning to the past, and having a person’s religious affiliation on it. What’s your religion? Does it matter? The future American government is giving itself the right to know, and to judge you on it.

That’s right, if you’re not Christian, you will be an “Other” in the religion column. Christians will have a nice big cross on all of their ID, and the “Others” will have a smiling Satan face staring back at them.

A picture is worth a thousand words, so government employees can see what kind of person you are by the little picture on your ID. They don’t need to know anything else about you, and you won’t be able to defend yourself against all governmental attack, you’re just suppose to “smile and take it”, as they call the cops because you were a Buddhist and you wanted to renew your driver’s license.

And if you have no religion … may someone’s God help you, you heathen bastard! You’ll be lucky to even drive a car in your life, much less own one.

Segregating people by as many means as possible is the way to create a better future … by bringing back legal corpses from the bigoted past.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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