President Biden Issues A Very Stern Warning To Cuba

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Thursday, 2 June 2022

image for President Biden Issues A Very Stern Warning To Cuba
Russia has asked Cuba to help supply car parts for the new Lada

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - Right now President Biden has a dozen things on his mind starting with the potato shortage in Idaho, the printer ink shortage in South Dakota, the McKetchup packet shortage at all McDonalds, and the 10-legged tarantula infestation in Tennessee.

And now, VP Harris has just informed him that she received a personal text message from the president of Cuba Miguel Marcolino Mickey Diaz-Canel that he has agreed to let the evil shithead Vladimir Nikita Putin establish a Russian naval base on the island located 89.7 miles from the partingest town in America, Key West.

POTUS reportedly uttered about 29 extremely explicit curse words in English, along with 6 nasty cuss words in Spanish, and even 2 vulgar off-color words in Chiricahua Apache aimed at the Cuban leader.

According to a former CIA informant, who uses the secret code number of 99372871, a construction company in Norway (The Fiord Brothers) will be in charge of building the gigantic 497-acre naval base, which is being named The Fidel Castro Honorary Russian Naval Base. ■

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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