Kimberly Guilfoyle Has Privately Said That if Donald Trump Wasn’t Married She’d be All Over Him Like Cheese on Macaroni

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

image for Kimberly Guilfoyle Has Privately Said That if Donald Trump Wasn’t Married She’d be All Over Him Like Cheese on Macaroni
Kimberly Guilfoyle is 51, and her boyfriend Donnie Jr. is 42, making her a "Cougar."

SAN FRANCISCO – Kimberly Guilfoyle was visiting old friends in “The Golden Gate City.”

She was asked by a reporter with Telemundo about her romantic involvement with Donnie Trump Jr.

She said that he hates being called Donnie because it makes him sound like he’s a little sissy twit.

When Guilfoyle was told that there are a lot grown men who go by the name Donnie, and they don’t mind it one bit.

Kimmy, as Melania calls her, said that’s true, but they are all pretty secure in their manhood, whereas Don Jr., is basically as insecure as a woman with six nipples.

Guilfoyle, whose ex-husband is now the governor of California was asked what she thought about Donnie’s daddy.

She patted her ample chest and began breathing a bit heavier. She paused and then said, “Look, if I am being totally honest, and why wouldn’t I be, if the president wasn’t married, I would be all over him like Cheese on Macaroni.”

Kimberly revealed that she has no idea why her female hormones seem to go all crazy whenever she gets within a foot of him, of course that’s six feet now, she quickly pointed out.

When Donald Trump, Jr., was told what his buxom girlfriend had said, he just grinned and replied, “Hey I don’t blame the Kimster, hell my daddy is a very handsome and buff man, and if I was a female, I would jump all over him myself, if I wasn’t his daughter, of course."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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