Elton John caught with an inflatable doll at Heathrow Airport

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Monday, 3 July 2023

Elton John, the 76-year-old English crooner was caught at the Heathrow luggage check in counter with an inflatable doll in one of his 6 pink suitcases.

At first Elly tried to say that the pink suitcase was not his, but lets face it, who else has a pink suitcase with lavender rhinestones on the outside. No one.

Sir John finally admitted that the luggage was his but the inflatable doll was not his.

But again, the doll had the initials "EJ" tattooed on her ample ass.

After having the Heathrow chief of security threaten to have him arrested, Elton finally admitted that the doll named "Loose Lucy" was in fact his and he merely used her to pass away the time after his very long concert performances. ■

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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