Man realises his high horse is lame

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Friday, 7 April 2023

image for Man realises his high horse is lame
Oh William, what have you said now?

Although he is loved for his pomposity, lack of social skills and shoe throwing slightly right wing idiot William Gavinson has realised that his high horse is lame.

'Yes, a couple of people have told me lately that my views are a bit right wing for the times, and that I should be careful about what I say when out down the pubs. Maybe, like me my High Horse is a bit lame, and I should be slightly more real'.

Gavinson is 65, and he things that there have been no decent ideas in the world since 1973. 'Oh if it was still 1973, I would be so happy' said a wistful William.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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