Protesting the Protest is Against the Anti-Protest Law – So Shut It!

Funny story written by Ana Sian

Sunday, 5 February 2023

image for Protesting the Protest is Against the Anti-Protest Law – So Shut It!
Protesting Protestors to Pro-Protest the Anti-Protest

Here in Britain, people will no longer be allowed to protest anything. The price of this and that going up – so what, take it, accept it, but thou shalt not protest.

To protest the anti-protest law is illegal. (Now if that’s not straight outa Orwell!) If you are found protesting, you will get your day in court, but you are not allowed to defend yourself, because that then will be seen as protest. Just sit there and have the dipshit in the powdered wig tell you what you’ve done and that you’re going away forever – and may God have mercy on your soul! (Australia’s full – so that is no longer a tropical vacation option.)

To write a book wherein the theme is deemed a protest against something (like that Orwell guy just mentioned, and others of his ilk) shall be taken as a protest and, as such, will be an illegal book and the author shall heretofore have his fingers broken. (I’m trying out some legalese-sprechen, to see how officious bullshit sounds.)

Those who protest the protesters, however, shall be protected under “the enemy of my enemy” law, and shall be protected. If the King protests, he gets away with it. Britain is not now, nor has it EVER been, an equal society, therefore Britons should not be surprised when their elite do all the wonderfully nasty things the People will be put in jail for … and then the elite will get themselves a stamp showing how well and civilized they protest.

If you protest this article of protest … uh … I forget what happens, such a convoluted law, but then again, if laws weren’t next to impossible to understand, then the very rich wouldn’t be able to fall through the many loopholes within said law.

The law and the King have spoken, and the people who think this is a democracy can fuck off and shut their mouths! Long Live the Royal Git!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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