Man not actually planning to worry

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Tuesday, 31 January 2023

image for Man not actually planning to worry
Hey Gav, just Let it Be

Man about town Gavin Williamson was told not to worry about something quite trivial and wasn't planning to worry about it at all, he revealed.

Although not a bullying charisma-free zone like his political name-sake Gavin is not clearly one for trivial matters.

'I can't even remember what it was about' said Gavin 'but I know it wasn't important. I may have given the wrong change, or taken the last sugar in the cafe, but someone who I had never met before gave me permission not to worry about something, so I thanked them, and though, as you do, I wasn't planning to worry about that anyway.'

The likeable Mr Williamson said 'Of course, if I was the other Gavin Williamson, and I am sure that there are a fair few of us around, I would have bullied the nice man who told me not to worry. Honestly, what that man does reflects badly on all Gavin Williamsons.'

A very intelligent Liz Truss revealed she has the same problem.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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