Couple shocked that actress looks different to how she was twenty years ago

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Tuesday, 3 May 2022

image for Couple shocked that actress looks different to how she was twenty years ago
Here's to you time, you cheeky wee scamp.

Gary and Lorraine Johnson were shocked to learn that an actress looked different to how they remembered her.

'Gary and I were watching DI Ray last night, and we were both shocked to see that Parminder Nagra looked a bit different to how she did in Bend it Like Beckham'.

'It was a bit of a shock' agreed Gary 'She looked different, I mean we all remember how she looked in Bend it Like Beckham, it was only on the other day, and here she is looking different'.

'I couldn't believe it was the same person' said Lorraine.

That is what time does to all us people. In twenty years you will not look the same as you do.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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