Bridget Fonda DVD a hit with women everywhere

Funny story written by Archibald Minge

Sunday, 30 January 2022

image for Bridget Fonda DVD a hit with women everywhere
Women everywhere love Bridget's plan

The name Fonda has long been synonymous with body confidence, so it should be no surprise to anyone that Bridget Fonda has released her own routine, which has been a hit with women fed up of being judged for the crime of aging and not wearing full makeup and an evening gown to nip down the shops.

It starts with a warm up in which she tells all the journalists who've blasted pics of her looking 'unrecognisable' across the internet to go fuck themselves.

Bridget, who is married to a man who also doesn't look like he did 30 years ago, but he's a man so it's fine, then moves on to the main workout, which is telling social media commentators, gossip columnists and bloggers to go fuck themselves.

Finally, the routine ends with a gentle 'It's my body, mind your own frigging business' exercise.

"I bloody love it!" enthused Sharon Sponge, 46. "After only two days of following Brdget's routine, I feel great! Finally, a plan that gets results!"

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