Funny story - Office workers to face corporal punishment when they misbehave

Office workers to face corporal punishment when they misbehave

- IFL Group, an Internet marketing agency in Aberdeen brought in the system - Punishment is used on 'a minority' of workers with low productivity or who misbehave - Bosses smacking their employees will 'encourage other workers to work harder'...

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Funny story - Scotland Has Just Purchased a Destroyer From Japan

Scotland Has Just Purchased a Destroyer From Japan

EDINBURGH, Scotland - (Satire News) - Scotland's Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon has just informed the Scottish people that Scotland has just purchased a destroyer from Japan. The first minister stated that the reason for the purchase is so that S…

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Funny story - Scottish Authorities Apprehend Two Men Who Were Caught With Counterfeit Kilts In Their Possession

Scottish Authorities Apprehend Two Men Who Were Caught With Counterfeit Kilts In Their Possession

GLASGOW, Scotland - (World Satire) - The BBC reports that two men, whom they say are from the tiny village of Blimey Bay , Scotland, were taken into custody when local police found 191 counterfeit kilts in the trunk of their Cadillac Escalade SUV.

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Funny story - A British Woman Wants To Be Transferred To A Men's Prison

A British Woman Wants To Be Transferred To A Men's Prison

London — A woman Erin Hebblewhite, 30 who petioned the United Nations to be transferred to a men's prison won her case against the disgraceful British Parliament who striped the British crown of it's rightful inheritance of power, causing Britain ce…

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Funny story - Glory Holes to be built into new Scottish homes Outrage

Glory Holes to be built into new Scottish homes Outrage

New Scottish houses may have built in "Glory Holes", under plans to improve the home like qualities of new build designs. A proposed new development of 3000 homes along the banks of Loch Ness will each have a glory hole, with larger properties having...

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Funny story - The Government of Scotland Tells Trump To Never Again Set Foot In Their Nice, Lovely, Anti-Racist Country

The Government of Scotland Tells Trump To Never Again Set Foot In Their Nice, Lovely, Anti-Racist Country

EDINBURGH, Scotland - (Satire News) - The beautifully delightful country of Scotland, which has been described as peaceful, romantic, beautifully green, celtic, and poetic has made it known that the lying likes of one Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump ar…

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Funny story - Experts Now Agree That The Loch Ness Monster Is Actually A Tremendously Overweight Salamander With A Glandular Problem

Experts Now Agree That The Loch Ness Monster Is Actually A Tremendously Overweight Salamander With A Glandular Problem

JOLLY ROGER, England – (Satire News) – The infamous Loch Ness Monster of Scottish Gaelic folklore was first discovered on September 13, 1933, at 4:35 am in Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. Unlike La Chupacabra creature in Texas, Nessie is not…

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Funny story - Donald Trump The Riot Instigator Has Been Arrested Trying To Flee The Country

Donald Trump The Riot Instigator Has Been Arrested Trying To Flee The Country

NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - The New York Police Dept. reports that Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump has just been taken into custody at JFK Airport. Federal agents report apprehending the orange whore bitch as he was in line to get on board a fli…

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Funny story - Hadrian's Wall To Be Made Higher, Stronger To Keep Scots Out

Hadrian's Wall To Be Made Higher, Stronger To Keep Scots Out

Hadrian's Wall, the structure built by the Romans to keep Scottish people from encroaching into England, is to be fortified at a cost of £28billion of taxpayers' money - money, says the government, that would be "well spent". The Wall, built in AD…

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Funny story - Haggis ignore social-distancing

Haggis ignore social-distancing

Coppers have arrested a gaggle of raucous haggis who decided to turn deaf ear to new social-distancing regulations by having a tear-up on Glen Tilt. Authorities arrived at scenes of utter degradation just after one o’clock this morning, after bein...

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Funny story - Scottish Jihadist May Be Lurking in Pub Washrooms

Scottish Jihadist May Be Lurking in Pub Washrooms

Reports are flying fast and furious, with no confirmation as to whether they’re true, but is there a radical Muslim cabal of jihadists in … Scotland?! Wha? It’s all speculation so far, but things have been heard, the grapevine is a-buzz, that cer…

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Funny story - Scotland Wants Own Olympic Team

Scotland Wants Own Olympic Team

Scotland's outspoken and opinionated First Minister, Alex Salmond, has courted controversy by insisting Scotland will field its own Olympic team at the 2016 Rio Games. Salmond, who is convinced Scotland will have departed the UK by 2016, has insis...

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Funny story - Pope's itinerary to the UK marred by bad grammar

Pope's itinerary to the UK marred by bad grammar

Pope Benedict XVI's visit to the UK has resulted in Scotland being beatified due to a grammatical error. The original itinerary stated that: "..the Pope would take in Birmingham as part of the planned beatification of Cardinal John Newman and Scot...

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Funny story - Woman With 93 Cats Gets Rid of 2

Woman With 93 Cats Gets Rid of 2

GLASGOW, Scotland – (World Satire) – The Kilt News Agency has just reported that 101-year-old Bonnie Olivia Mugdock, who describes herself as "The Cat Lady”, was saddened after she gave away 2 of her 93 cats. Catty, as the neighborhood youngsters…

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Funny story - Britain declared most Undemocratic Democracy ever

Britain declared most Undemocratic Democracy ever

Britain or The UK, or sometimes just called England, has been declared as the most undemocratic place on planet earth and that's what is being said by an Englishman. Robert Smith from Manchester who leads the campaign to get true Democracy said to...

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Funny story - Scotland 3011 A.D

Scotland 3011 A.D

What would an archaeologist in a thousand years time find if he excavated in the Glasgow area ? "One of the most interesting discoveries during my lifelong project of excavating sporting venues in the Western European Continental Peninsula occurred when I had to journey into the northwest of the landmass where a large metropolitan colony once existed. While there were more than a few sit...

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Funny story - Scottish Police Call for More Women Shooters

Scottish Police Call for More Women Shooters

Scottish police have called for more female officers to carry guns. At the moment it is mainly the men who are called upon to whip their weapons out and shoot at passers by. Under new Sex Equality Laws men will be able to be shot dead by either ma...

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Funny story - Ping Pong Legend Pong Ping Poo Dies Aged 97

Ping Pong Legend Pong Ping Poo Dies Aged 97

The world of professional table tennis is in morning today after the announcement by Chinese state television of the un-expected death of Pong Ping Poo, the greatest exponent of the game in it's long and distinguished history.

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Funny story - Nothing but the lake – Loch Ness

Nothing but the lake – Loch Ness

SCOTLAND – (Satire News) – The reason why Scottish independence is being pushed for is much simpler than one might think. Why this is so, one may ask. Here we tell you the secret about it. The reason is a large clean lake in Scotland. It is commo…

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Funny story - Glasgow Council anger at Scotland's Commonwealth Games snub

Glasgow Council anger at Scotland's Commonwealth Games snub

Glasgow Lord Provost Robert Winter last night expressed surprise and disappointment at the news that Scotland's team managers for the Delhi Commonwealth Games would not subject their athletes to squalid, dirty and sub-standard conditions in the Athle...

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