The FBI Has Just Announced That Donald Trump and Alex Murdaugh Will Be Cellmates At Sing Sing Federal Prison

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Tuesday, 7 March 2023

image for The FBI Has Just Announced That Donald Trump and Alex Murdaugh Will Be Cellmates At Sing Sing Federal Prison
"These two whore dogs are as EVIL as EVIL is." -ANN COULTER

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - In a very surprising announcement the FBI has just informed the news media that two pieces of baboon shit (aka Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump and Alexander Beverly Murdaugh) will be sharing a jail cell at the infamous Sing Sing Federal Prison.

The two soon-to-be-inmates have asked the FBI to please see to it that the prison warden keeps both of them away from the common prison population so that neither of them gets molested, groped, grabbed, or possibly raped.

A source inside the FBI divulged that Trump tried to bribe one of the FBI agents to smuggle in Big Macs from time to time.

BuzzFuzz is reporting that because of his attempted bribery, "Baby Fingers" Trump will get an extra 14 months tacked on to his prison sentence.

SIDENOTE: Trump the pussy grabber is still insisting that he never poked (screwed) Stormy Daniels or anyone of the other 47 adult GOP women who claimed that he seduced them with Vodka, oysters, and McDonalds gift certificates.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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