That thing you are doing, just stop it

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Thursday, 5 May 2022

image for That thing you are doing, just stop it
People, what are they like, eh Dave?

Are you reading the Daily Mail?

Just stop doing it.

Are you going to say 'Great pic' about an out of focus photo on social media?

Just stop doing it.

Are you reading something about politics?

Just stop doing it..

Are you writing to your MP in the hope it will change things?

Just stop doing it.

Are you thinking about getting an allotment?

Just stop doing it.

Are you thinking about knitting a scarf for a young child?

Just stop doing it.

Are you writing some crap poetry?

Just stop doing it.

Are you buying trainers from Nike?

Just stop doing it.

Are you reading an article on a spoof website that isn't really going anywhere?

Just stop doing it

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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