Shakespeare couldn't have "punned" it better!

Funny story written by Ralph E. Shaffer

Sunday, 14 November 2021

image for Shakespeare couldn't have "punned" it better!
The uppities across the lake were mystified by the boat with the long tail dragging in the water

The down-and-outers who took over the abandoned, dilapidated house on the cheap side of the lake proved themselves adaptive if nothing else.

They quickly made the place livable, diverted a creek to irrigate a vegetable garden, and somehow plugged into the power line to bring electricity to the place.

The uppity folks in the posh resort across the lake watched as the down-and-outers continued their occupancy, for some reason unmolested by the police.

One of the most innovative acts of the interlopers was to patch an old, unseaworthy boat they found aground and outfit it with a sail.

That permitted them to fish the lake more effectively than from the shore.

Having no fishing equipment, they tore up an old sheet, tied it into one very long strip, put an open safety pin at one end with some cheese for bait, and proceeded to troll the lake with the boat, catching fish readily.

While most of the uppities across the lake were mystified by the boat with the long tail dragging in the water, one bright fellow figured it out:

"It is a tail trolled by an indigent."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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