The headline read: A Pro-Covid Congresswoman Encourages Crowds To Greet Vaccine Door Knockers With Guns
What the protein does that mean? Who the protein could be Pro-COVID?
Greet vaccine door knockers with guns? Isn’t it against the law to encourage violence? Didn’t the nation learn anything when a man was murdered with a knee on his neck?
The headline was spoken by a member of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, at a Republican fundraiser in Alabama. She was also cheered on by the Alabama crowd.
Remember, the COVID-19 vaccine can save lives. Patients dying in the hospitals of COVID-19 are begging their doctors and nurses for the vaccine. But it’s too late. And the death is not a sleepy nap after Thanksgiving dinner. So you don’t go out with a happy smile.
Let’s say rumored that a COVID-19 patient definitely wishes they were dead. Faster. Yesterday. But it’s like a long, boring, painfully drowning film that you know will end eventually, but when? Damn it!
And you struggle awake the next day. “You mean I'm still alive? I have another day of this death trip?”
And Marjorie Taylor Greene is cheered on when she advocates greeting a vaccine activist with a gun. Is she the follower of satan or Donald Trump? Her description is an anti-vaxxer.
Alabamans are smarter than Greene or Trump.
Get vaccinated.
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