AVOCADO HEIGHTS, California – (Business Satire) – The Left Coast hamburger chain known as In-N-Out has just announced that it is in the process of changing it’s corporate name.
The change, according to Mimosa Sabrosa with the Alpha Beta News Agency is due to the Trumpapalooza virus.
Franchise spokeswoman, Melody Scintilla, 41, said that the chain will no longer allow patrons in their restaurant lobbies.
She went on to say that since the burger establishment will only do drive-thru service, the company name will be changed to the more appropriate Drive Thru-N-Be-Gone.
The board of directors overwhelmingly approved the name change by a vote of 16 to 1.
SIDENOTE: The one dissenting vote on the In-N-Out board was cast by Virginia Hoopifaust, 83, who said she is so upset that she will be resigning her position, and vows to never, ever eat another In-N-Out burger again.